2 days left!

We're packing and getting ready to experience #OrangutanFreedom. So, I don't have that much time to post! Mike is also in comp mode - if you know him, you know it's like a tornado on fire shoot out screaming piranhas - so I'm taking care of all the logistics while he tends to his lifelong dream DXNY.

As I get ready I can't help but think, HOW AMAZING IS THIS! In 2 days we'll be heading to one of the most biodiverse places on the planet. It reminds me of my parents home country of Costa Rica, rich in both flora and fauna. However, this will be a totally new experience for me and I have traveled a lot in my day. I won't know the language and I won't know the culture, but what an amazing experience to learn it all first hand. 

It's amazing how educating ourselves helps us change our perspective. I was never a huge conservationist or activist. But, after seeing these marvelous primates I have a renewed respect for the Earth. Doing what I can to help. 

The organization taking a lead in saving orangutans is BOS Foundation. Their work is amazing and selfless. Take a look at the video below and give them a like on YouTube, post a comment letting them know people are pay attention. In the words of Margaret Mead "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

A look at the work that you help make possible as a supporter of BOS Australia. Thank you!

Together Again


10 Days Left