Orangutan Freedom


One of the most amazing moments of my life happened on November 19, 2017. Rewind back to early October, I was thumbing through Instagram when a post from BOS Foundation caught my eye. They spoke about wining the trip of a lifetime to Borneo for 9 days to witness the live release of an orangutan into the wild!

I entered within seconds and shot an email to Mike, letting him know he had to enter! As fate would have Mike eventually was declared the winner. So as of March 2, 2018 we're heading to Borneo!

I wanted to start this blog now so we can easily show all our friends the journey we're going on. We are heading to Jakarta, Indonesia from NYC, NY March 2. I've added a video below to help give our friends a taste of what this trip will be like. 

This is your chance to experience #orangutanfreedom. Enter now to win a 9-day expedition to Borneo → http://orangutanfreedom.org

Stay tuned as we add more information on how BOSF is helping our orangutan friends who desperately need our attention!


10 Days Left


The beginning